About CTE

Through the different phases of a student’s educational experience, Career Technical Education (CTE) prepares students to become more proficient in their chosen career pathway as well as prepare them for post-secondary success.
Career Technical Education provides opportunities for secondary students to acquire specific and useful academic, occupational, and employability skills training.
Our 15 programs equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be productive, contributing members of their society.
Providing opportunities for students to obtain industry recognized credentials
We achieve this by:

Offering a variety of CTE courses taught by certified industry experts
Teaching rigorous, relevant, industry driven program curricula
Prepare students with the skills necessary to be successful, lifelong learners and contributors to society
Major Functions of CTE

Expose students to career fields and potential school and work opportunities through exploration, experience, and certification
Provide skillful and educated individuals to the workforce and help meet the needs of the labor market for Region 5

CTE Leadership
Dr. Silvia Scaife

Career Technical Education
Dr. Silvia Scaife has more than 26 years of combined educational leadership and community partnership experience. She's taught at every educational level including primary, elementary, middle school, high school, and post secondary. She currently serves as the Career and Technical Education director for Auburn City Schools and serves on the Board of Directors for Educational Theatre Association.
Through a variety of opportunities and programs, Auburn City Schools Career and Technical Education Department prepares students to become emerging leaders and contributing citizens in our local communities, neighboring regions, and around the globe!

Bill Bailey
Career Coach
Looking for Career Coaching?
Contact Bill Bailey for more information.